Frequently Asked Questions

And how to get started

1. Go to your Dashboard and click 'Create Project'

To create a project you need an active subscription. You can try for the first 14 days for free with 35 credits and test everything.

2. Enter a name for you project and provide a description of your use-case

Eg. 'A hotel at a lake for digital detox retreats, with balanced nutrition plans and yoga sessions.

Once you click on create you will be redirected to the project page and a window will ask you whether you want to generate you brand identity. Click 'Generate' and wait whilst the app is loading.

3. See generated prompts

After the intitial setup, you will need to wait a few minutes until all your queued images are generated. Click the refresh button to update your project.

1. Go to your project and click 'Batch Create'
2. Select aspect ratio, types of images to generate, number of images per type and click create.

Wait a few minutes and your new images will be calculated

1. Go to your project and click 'New Asset'
2. Enter your prompt, select aspect ratio, type of images to generate, color scheme, and click create.

Wait a few minutes and your new images will be calculated

1. Go to your project and click on the cogs next to Project / Features
2. Add a new feature that you want to highlight
3. Click on 'Batch Create'
4. Click on 'Feature' and selecte the previously created feature
Each of your monthly subscriptions comes with a specific amount of monthly credits. Each Image Generation Request (each request generates 4 different image variations) currently uses 0.5 credits (resulting in 0.125 credits per image). You can always see your currently available credits by clicking the bell icon next to the logout button in the navigation bar.
You can choose between two options. You can either get another subscription including more monthly credits, or you can buy static credits for a fixed price. You find both possibilities in your profile section. subscribers can vote for future features. Each subscription comes with a specific number of votes that can be used to vote on specific features.




Megan Briddle